Học liệu mở

  • Ebook Physics olympiad - Basic to advanced exercises: Part 2

    Ebook Physics olympiad - Basic to advanced exercises: Part 2

    Part 2 book "Physics olympiad - Basic to advanced exercises" includes content: Thermodynamics, modern physics, how to measure and analyze data, practical exercises, mathematical physics.

     179 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 14 0

  • Ebook Fundamentals of physics - Mechanics, relativity, and thermodynamics: Part 1

    Ebook Fundamentals of physics - Mechanics, relativity, and thermodynamics: Part 1

    Part 1 book "Fundamentals of physics - Mechanics, relativity, and thermodynamics" includes content: The structure of mechanics; motion in higher dimensions, Newton’s laws I, Newton’s laws II, law of conservation of energy; conservation of energy in d = 2; the kepler problem; multi particle dynamics; rotational dynamics I; rotational dynamics II; rotational dynamics III; special relativity I; the lorentz transformation.

     223 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 12 0

  • Ebook Fundamentals of physics - Mechanics, relativity, and thermodynamics: Part 2

    Ebook Fundamentals of physics - Mechanics, relativity, and thermodynamics: Part 2

    Part 2 book "Fundamentals of physics - Mechanics, relativity, and thermodynamics" includes content: Special relativity II - some consequences, special relativity III - Past, present and future; four momentum, mathematical methods, simple harmonic motion, waves I, waves II, fluids, heat, thermodynamics I, thermodynamics II, entropy and irreversibility.

     238 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 13 0

  • Ebook Quantum field theory: Part 1 - Lewis H.Ryder

    Ebook Quantum field theory: Part 1 - Lewis H.Ryder

    Part 1 book "Quantum field theory" includes contents: Introduction - Synopsis of particle physics, single particle relativistic wave equation, lagrangian formulation, symmetries and gauge fields, canonical quantisation and particle interpretation, path integrals and quantum mechanics.

     199 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 13 0

  • Ebook Quantum field theory: Part 2 - Lewis H.Ryder

    Ebook Quantum field theory: Part 2 - Lewis H.Ryder

    Part 2 book "Quantum field theory" includes contents: Path integral quantisation and feynman rules - scalar and spinor fields; path integral quantisation - gauge fields; spontaneous symmetry breaking and the weinberg salam model; renormalisation; topological objects in field theory.

     257 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 13 0

  • Ebook Linear algebra and its applications: Part 1

    Ebook Linear algebra and its applications: Part 1

    Part 1 book "Linear algebra and its applications" includes content: Linear equations in linear algebra; matrix algebra; determinants; vector spaces.

     283 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 9 0

  • Ebook Linear algebra and its applications: Part 2

    Ebook Linear algebra and its applications: Part 2

    Part 2 book "Linear algebra and its applications" includes content: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors; orthogonality and least squares; symmetric matrices and quadratic forms; the geometry of vector spaces.

     296 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 9 0

  • Ebook Discrete mathematics and its applications (7/E): Part 2 - Kenneth H. Rosen

    Ebook Discrete mathematics and its applications (7/E): Part 2 - Kenneth H. Rosen

    Part 2 book "Discrete mathematics and its applications" includes content: Advanced counting techniques, relations, graphs, trees, boolean algebra, modeling computation, suggested readings, answers to odd numbered exercises.

     550 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 24 0

  • Ebook Discrete mathematics and its applications (7/E): Part 1 - Kenneth H. Rosen

    Ebook Discrete mathematics and its applications (7/E): Part 1 - Kenneth H. Rosen

    Part 1 book "Discrete mathematics and its applications" includes content: The foundations - logic and proofs; basic structures - sets, functions, sequences, sums, and matrices; algorithms; number theory and cryptography, induction and recursion; counting; discrete probability.

     521 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 28 0

  • Ebook Analysis in integer and fractional dimensions: Part 1

    Ebook Analysis in integer and fractional dimensions: Part 1

    Part 1 book "Analysis in integer and fractional dimensions" includes content: A prologue - mostly historical, three classical inequalities, a fourth inequality, elementary properties of the Fr´echet variation – an introduction to tensor products, the grothendieck factorization theorem, an introduction to multidimensional measure theory, an introduction to harmonic analysis, multilinear extensions of the grothendieck inequality (via λ(2)...

     268 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 9 0

  • Ebook Analysis in integer and fractional dimensions: Part 2

    Ebook Analysis in integer and fractional dimensions: Part 2

    Part 2 book "Analysis in integer and fractional dimensions" includes content: Product Fr´echet measures, brownian motion and the wiener process, integrators, A ‘3/2-dimensional’ cartesian product, fractional cartesian products and combinatorial dimension, the last chapter - leads and loose ends.

     309 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 9 0

  • Ebook Toán nâng cao tự luận và trắc nghiệm Lượng giác lớp 11: Phần 1

    Ebook Toán nâng cao tự luận và trắc nghiệm Lượng giác lớp 11: Phần 1

    Cuốn sách Toán nâng cao tự luận và trắc nghiệm Lượng giác lớp 11 Phần 1 được biên soạn gồm các nội dung chính sau: góc và cung lượng giác; các hàm số lượng giác; công thức lượng giác; hệ thức lượng trong tam giác. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

     128 p daihocthudo 28/03/2024 14 0

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